Section J contains policies, regulations and exhibits on students -- admissions, attendance, rights and responsibilities, conduct, discipline, suspension and expulsion, health and welfare, records, publications and school-related activities.

JB     Equal Educational Opportunities

JBB*     Sexual Harassment

JC     School Attendance Areas

JEA     Compulsory Attendance Ages

JEB     Entrance Age Requirements

JF     Admission and Denial of Admission

JF-E     Admission and Denial of Admission --- Exhibit

JF-E-2     Delegation of Custodial Power by Parent or Guardian---Exhibit

JFAB     Continuing Enrollment of Students Who Become Nonresidents

JFABA     Nonresident Tuition Charges

JFABB     Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Exchange Students

JFABB-R     Admission of Non-immigrant Foreign Exchange Students --- Regulation

JFABD     Homeless Students

JFABD-R     Homeless Students--- Regulation

JFABE*     Students in Foster Care

JFABE*-R     Students in Foster Care - Regulation

JFABE*-E     Memorandum of Understanding - School Stability for Students in Foster Care - Exhibit

JFBA     Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment

JFBA-R     Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment --- Regulation

JFBB     Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment

JFBB-R     Inter-District Choice/Open Enrollment --- Regulation

JFC     Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts

JFC-R     Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts --- Regulation

JGA     Assignment of New Students to Classes and Grade Levels

JH     Student Absences and Excuses

JHB     Truancy

JIC     Student Conduct

JICA     Student Dress Code

JICC     Student Conduct in School Vehicles

JICDA     Code of Conduct

JICDD*     Violent and Aggressive Behavior

JICDE*     Bullying Prevention and Education

JICDE*-E-1     Bullying Report Form - Exhibit

JICDE*-E-2     Bullying Investigation Form - Exhibit

JICEA     School-Related Student Publications (School Publications Code)

JICEA-R     School-Related Student Publications (School Publications Code) --- Regulation

JICEC*     Student Distribution of Noncurricular Materials

JICEC*-R     Student Distribution of Noncurricular Materials --- Regulation

JICF     Secret Societies/Gang Activity

JICF-R     Secret Societies/Gang Activity --- Regulation

JICH    Drug and Alcohol Involvement by Students

JICH-R     Drug and Alcohol Involvement by Students - Regulation

JICI     Weapons in School

JICI-E      Gun-Free Schools Act (Definition of "Firearm") - Exhibit

JICJ     Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Personal Technology Devices

JIH     Student Interviews, Interrogations, Searches and Arrests

JIHB     Parking Lot Searches

JIHC     Use of Metal Detectors

JII     Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances

JII-R     Student Concerns, Complaints and Grievances --- Regulation

JJA-1     Student Organizations

JJA-2     Student Organizations -- Open Forum

JJA-2-R     Student Organizations Open Forum (Secondary Schools) --- Regulation

JJC     School Displays

JJF     Student Activities Funds

JJH     Student Travel

JJJ     Extracurricular Activity Eligibility

JK     Student Discipline

JK-R     Student Discipline --- Regulation

JK*-2     Discipline of Students with Disabilities

JKA     Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint

JKA-R     Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint --- Regulation

JKA-E-1  Student Restraint Incident Report Form --- Exhibit

JKA-E-2  Complaint Procedures and Regulations Regarding the Use of Restraint or Seclusion, 1 CCR 301-45, 2620-R-2.07 - Exhibit

JKBA*     Disciplinary Removal from Classroom

JKBA*-R     Disciplinary Removal from Classroom --- Regulation

JKD/JKE      Suspension/Expulsion of Students (and Other Disciplinary Interventions)

JKD/JKE-R     Suspension/Expulsion of Students (Hearing Procedures) - Regulation

JKD/JKE-E     Grounds for Suspension/Expulsion --- Exhibit

JKF*     Educational Alternatives for Expelled Students

JKF*-R     Educational Alternatives for Expelled Students --- Regulation

JKG*     Expulsion Prevention

JLA     Student Insurance Programs

JLC     Student Health Services and Records

JLCA     Physical Examinations of Students

JLCB     Immunization of Students

JLCB-R     Immunization of Students --- Regulation

JLCC     Communicable/Infectious Diseases

JLCD     Administering Medications to Students

JLCD-R     Administering Medications to Students --- Regulation

JLCD-E     Permission for Medication --- Exhibit

JLCDA*        Students with Food Allergies

JLCDB*    Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students

JLCDB*-E (Option 1)   Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students (Written Plan)--Exhibit

JLCDB*-E (Option 2)    Administration of Medical Marijuana to Qualified Students (Written Plan)--Exhibit

JLCDC*     Authorizing Private Health-Care Specialists to Provide Medically Necessary Treatment in School Setting

JLCDC*-R     Authorizing Private Health-Care Specialists to Provide Medically Necessary Treatment in School Setting

JLCE     First Aid and Emergency Medical Care

JLCE-R     First Aid and Emergency Medical Care ---Regulation

JLCE-E     School First Aid and Emergency Medical Care Card---Exhibit

JLCEA*     Students with Special Health Needs

JLCEA*-R     Students with Special Health Needs (Implementation and Protocol for CPR Directives) - Regulation

JLCG*     Medicaid Reimbursement

JLCG*-E     Consent to Release Information (Sample Form) - Exhibit

JLDAC     Screening/Testing of Students (and Treatment of Mental Disorders)

JLDAC-E     Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) --- Exhibit

JLDBG     Peer Mediation

JLF     Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection

JLF-R     Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection --- Regulation

JLFF*     Sex Offender Information

JLIB     Student Dismissal Precautions

JLIB-R     Student Dismissal Precautions --- Regulation

JLJ*     Physical Activity

JN     Community Service

JQ     Student Fees, Fines and Charges

JRA/JRC      Student Records/Release of Information on Students

JRA/JRC-R,   Student Records/Release of Information on Students (Review, Amendment and Hearing Procedures) - Regulation

JRA/JRC-E-1     Student Records/Release of Information on Students (Notification to Parents
                            and Students of Rights Concerning Student Education Records) --- Exhibit

JRA/JRC-E-2     Opt-Out Form for Disclosure of Information to Military Recruiters --- Exhibit

JRA/JRC-E-3     Opt-Out Form for Student Image Publishing --- Exhibit

JRCA*     Sharing of Student Records/Information between School District and State Agencies

JRCB*     Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information

JRCB*-R     Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information - Regulation

JS*     Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications

JS*-E     Student Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications (Annual Acceptable Use Agreement) --- Exhibit