File:  JICC - Student Conduct in School Vehicles

NOTE: While Colorado school boards are not required by law to adopt a policy on this subject, CASB believes this sample contains the content/language that reflects "best practices." However, the board should consult with its own legal counsel to determine appropriate language that meets local circumstances and needs.

The privilege of riding in a school vehicle is contingent upon a student's good behavior and observance of the student code of conduct and established regulations for student conduct both at designated school vehicle stops and on-board school vehicles.

The operator of a school vehicle shall be responsible for safety of the students in the vehicle, both during the ride and while students are entering or leaving the vehicle. Students shall be required to conform to all rules concerning discipline, safety and behavior while riding in the school vehicle. It is the vehicle operator's duty to notify the supervisor of transportation and the principal of the school involved if any student persists in violating the established rules of conduct.

After due warning has been given to the student and to the student's parents/guardians, the principal may withhold from the student the privilege of riding in the school vehicle. Violation of district policies and regulations while in a school vehicle may also result in the student's suspension or expulsion from school, in accordance with Board policy concerning student suspensions, expulsions and other disciplinary interventions.

(Adoption date)

LEGAL REFS.: C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2)(a)(I)(B) (discipline code to address conduct in school vehicles)

C.R.S. 42-1-102 (88.5) (definition of school vehicle which includes a school bus)

CROSS REFS.: JIC, Student Conduct, and subcodes

JK, Student Discipline, and subcodes

[Revised June 2013]