File:  JF-E - Admission and Denial of Admission

NOTE: This exhibit does not need to be filed in the Board's policy manual. It is provided as informational only and if applicable, may be kept by the district in another location.

According to the Colorado Revised Statutes 22-33-106 (2), subject to the district's responsibilities under the Exceptional Children's Educational Act (see policy JK*-2, Discipline of Students with Disabilities) and other laws pertaining to the education of students with disabilities, the following may be grounds for denial of admission to a public school or diversion to an appropriate alternate program:

1. Physical or mental disability such that the child cannot reasonably benefit from the programs available.

2. Physical or mental disability or disease causing the attendance of the child suffering therefrom to be inimical to the welfare of other students.

According to C.R.S. 22-33-106 (3)(a-f), the following may constitute additional grounds for denial of admission to a public school:

1. Graduating from the 12th grade of any school or receipt of any document evidencing completion of the equivalent of a secondary education.

2. Failure to meet age requirements.

3. Having been expelled from any school district during the preceding 12 months.

4. Not being a resident of the district unless otherwise entitled to attend under C.R.S. 22, Articles 23 (migrant children), 32 (exclusion of non-residents) or 36 (schools of choice).

5. Failure to comply with the provisions of Part 9, Article 4, Title 25, C.R.S. (immunization requirements). Any denial of admission for such failure to comply shall not be recorded as a disciplinary action but may be recorded with the student's immunization record with an appropriate explanation.

6. Behavior in another school district during the preceding 12 months that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other pupils or of school personnel.

According to C.R.S. 22-33-106 (4)(a), a student who has been expelled shall be prohibited from enrolling or re-enrolling in the same school in which the victim of the offense or member of the victim's immediate family is enrolled or employed when:

1.  the expelled student was convicted of a crime, adjudicated a juvenile delinquent, received a deferred judgment or was placed in a diversion program as a result of committing the offense for which the student was expelled;

2. there is an identifiable victim of the expelled student's offense; and

3. the offense for which the student was expelled does not constitute a crime against property.

If the district has no actual knowledge of the name of the victim, the expelled student shall be prohibited from enrolling or re-enrolling only upon request of the victim or a member of the victim's immediate family.

Students in out-of-home placements

State law limits the grounds for denial of enrollment regarding students in out-of-home placements, as defined by C.R.S. 22-32-138 (1)(h).

(Issue date)

[Revised April 2019]