File:  GDG - Part-Time and Substitute Support Staff Employment

The Board of Education shall maintain an authorized list of personnel to be used for substitute or part-time employment.  The Board authorizes the superintendent to notify and direct persons on the list to perform such service for the District as may be required on a temporary basis.  The Board authorizes principals to notify and direct persons on the list to perform as substitute teachers on a temporary basis as needed.

The Board shall approve such action at the next regular meeting.  Authorization by the Board of Education to pay personnel performing services on a temporary basis shall constitute employment by the Board for services provided during the period of time covered by such payment.

Such payment shall not constitute any assurance or offer of continuing employment without specific Board action.

Prior to adding a person's name to the list, a background check shall be carried out in accordance with State law.  Part-time and substitute personnel also shall submit a set of fingerprints.  Persons failing to provide this information shall not be added to the authorized list.

Every person placed on the authorized list shall be given a copy of and/or have access to this policy prior to performing services pursuant to this policy.

Adopted August 22, 1995

Revised February 11, 2004

REVISION:  October 11, 2011

LEGAL REFS.:  C.R.S. 22-32-109.7

C.R.S. 22-32-109.8

CROSS REF.:  GDE/GDF, Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring