File:  GCM - Professional Staff Work Load

The Board of Education is fully cognizant of the fact that work load has a bearing on teaching effectiveness and therefore authorizes the superintendent and building principals to closely supervise assignments and establish, within District financial limitations, administrative procedures to govern reasonable distribution of instructional preparations, duties and overall teacher workload.

Division and/or combination of classes shall be based on groupings which ensure educational success in harmony with our philosophy of education.

The staff shall be kept informed of administrative efforts and procedures which are implemented to maintain appropriate class size.

When referring to working conditions, salary or benefits, the negotiated contract, which is currently in effect will prevail.  If an approved contract is not in place, these attached policies, regulations and exhibits will take its place.

Adopted May 18, 1981

Revised November 23

Revised June 14, 1983

Revised May 27, 1986

Revised: January 8, 2003

CROSS REF.:  IIB, Class Size

Current Professional Contract