File:  GCCB - Administrative and Exempt Staff Sick and Personal Leaves and Absences

Administrative and exempt staff shall be granted: one (1) sick day for each month of employment or portion thereof served annually (12 per year); three (3) personal days if contracted for 199 days of employment and four (4) personal days if contracted for 200 to 251 days of employment per contract year, prorated based on full-time equivalency.

Each year, administrative and exempt staff may have unused personal leave days bought back by the District at the end of the school year to be paid out at the minimum of the salary schedule. These payouts must be elected on or before June 1 for payment on the July 15 paycheck.

Sick and personal leave not used (or bought back) will automatically roll into their accumulated sick leave for the following year.

Accumulated sick leave and current year allocation of sick and personal leave shall be credited to the administrative or exempt staff member's account on the first day of the contract year. Leave days may be taken throughout the contract year even though such leave days may not be fully earned when taken.

An administrative or exempt staff member, who is unable to report for work at the beginning of the contract year because of an illness or disability, shall not be credited with their current allocation of sick and personal leave until the administrative or exempt staff member has returned to service. Upon return, they shall be credited with an adjusted leave allowance which shall be used to diminish any deductions sustained for the absence.

While on leave an administrative or exempt staff member shall retain but not accrue additional leave except as otherwise indicated.

An administrative or exempt staff member taking leave may be required to verify an illness or injury by furnishing a medical doctor's statement or certificate. Abuse of leave shall be grounds for progressive discipline up to and including termination.

An administrative or exempt staff member who is absent due to death or serious illness in their immediate family may have such absence charged to their accumulated leave days.

Absence due to serious illness or death in the immediate family shall not entitle the administrative or exempt staff member to apply to the District sick leave bank for extra days.

For each actual workday an administrative or exempt staff member is absent after leave allowances are exhausted, a deduction shall be made from their salary in the amount equal to their annual salary divided by the number of actual working days for which the administrative or exempt staff member is scheduled.

An administrative or exempt staff member who terminates employment before the end of the year who has used more of their sick and/or personal leave than the fraction of the year warrants shall have the appropriate amount deducted from their final paycheck.

Administrative and/or exempt staff members who separates (termination or resignation) from the District after at least five (5) full years of employment shall be compensated for unused sick days up to ninety (90) days at a rate depending on their years of employment in the District, according to the following schedule:

Completed Years of Employment

Unused Days Paid At Daily Rates Below

5 - 8

$33.00 Per Day

9 - 12

$49.50 Per Day

13 +

$66.00 Per Day

All requests for leave shall be subject to the approval of the superintendent or designee.

Each contract year, an administrative or exempt staff member will be allowed three (3) professional days, which may accumulate from year to year to a maximum of six (6) professional days. Subject to the prior approval of the superintendent or designee, a professional day(s) may be used for any educational purpose. A written request shall be made at least five (5) workdays in advance of a planned professional day absence.

Court appearances as a witness in any case in which the administrative or exempt staff member's connection with the case stems from their employment with the Board, provided that the legal action is not instigated by or on behalf of the staff member or Association against the Board, shall be considered a scheduled workday.

When referring to working conditions, salary or benefits, the negotiated contract and/or agreement, which is currently in effect, will prevail. If an approved contract and/or agreement is not in place, these attached policies, regulations and/or exhibits will take their place.

Adopted:  August 22, 1995
Revised:  December 15, 2022

CROSS REFS.:  GBCA, Staff Sick Leave Bank

GBGF, Federally Mandated Family and Medical Leave

GBGI, Staff Military Leave

GBGK, Staff Legal Leave

GC, Professional Staff Definitions

GCCAG, Professional Staff Extended Leave Without Pay

GCD, Administrative Staff Vacations and Holidays

Current Summit School District Leadership Association Agreement