File:  GBK - Staff Concerns/ Complaints/ and Grievances

It is the Board's desire that procedures for settling differences provide for prompt and equitable resolution at the lowest possible administrative level and that each employee be assured an opportunity for orderly presentation and review of complaints without fear of reprisal.

A "grievance" is defined as an alleged material violation of Board of Education policies or administrative regulations that apply to all employees. A complaint concerning unlawful discrimination and/or harassment may be filed in accordance with the district's applicable procedures.

The process designated for the resolution of "grievances" in agreements between the Board and recognized employee organizations shall apply only to grievances as defined in the particular agreement.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed to imply in any manner the establishment of personal rights not explicitly established by statute or Board policy. Neither shall anything in this policy be construed to establish any condition prerequisite relative to non-renewal of contracts, transfer, assignment, dismissal or any other employment decision relating to District personnel.

All employment decisions remain within the sole and continuing discretion of the administration and/or Board of Education, as appropriate, subject only to the conditions and limitations prescribed by Colorado law.

Adopted August 22, 1995
Revised: January 8, 2003
Revised: November 1, 2014
Revised: January 25, 2018
Revised:  June 15, 2023

CROSS REFS.:  AC, Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity

AC-R, Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity (Complaint and Compliance Process) - Regulation

GBA, Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity

GBAA, Sexual Harassment

Current Summit County Education Association or Summit School District Leadership

Association Agreement