Please read carefully before signing.

Summit School District (SSD) is pleased to offer staff access to district computers, communications systems1, the Internet, and other technology resources to promote educational excellence.  All technology resources used at work or in the performance of work for SSD , whether personal or district-provided,  must be used in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner and in accordance with the policies and educational objectives of the Summit School District.  Each staff member is responsible for her/his use of district technology on or near school property,  in school vehicles, and at school-sponsored activities, as well as using district technology resources via off-campus remote access . 

Use, transmission, storing, or publication of any material in violation of any U.S. or state laws or beyond the scope of the educational objectives of the district is prohibited2. This includes, but is not limited to:

o  searching, viewing, communicating, publishing, downloading, storing, or retrieving materials that:

  are threatening, promote violence or advocate destruction of property

  are pornographic, obscene or sexually oriented

  advocate or promote violence or hatred against particular individuals or groups of individuals or advocate or promote the superiority of one racial, ethnic or religious group over another (unless this access is for a demonstrated educational purpose)

  could be construed as a political activity (state law prohibits the use of any public funds for political activities)

o  using obscene language; harassing, insulting, ostracizing, or intimidating others

o  representing Copyright Registered and/or Trademark materials as one's own work

o  using software, media, or digital content contrary to licensing or fair-use copyright restrictions

o  damaging or modifying computers or networks

o  intentional or neglectful transmission of viruses or other destructive computer files; hacking into district or external computers

o  conducting a business or other commercial activity unless allowed via the ads.

o  using district technology in such a way that the district will incur an expense unless spending authority has been granted by the appropriate administrator

o  improper disclosure of any student's or staff member's name, home address, phone number or other personal information

o  participating in non-educational uses such as gaming, inappropriate role-playing multi-user environments, or gambling; issuing junk mail, chain mail, raffles, or social networking.

o  any activity that violates a school rule or a local, state, or federal law

Employees are expected to:

o  protect login and password information, avoiding public posting or repeated sharing of access with anyone, including a co-worker, student, parent, or volunteer

o  avoid destroying, modifying, or abusing district technology or data, or disrupting the operation of any network within the school district use up-to-date virus protection and anti-spyware software on any personal computer connected to the district network

o  avoid writing anything in an e-mail message that is inappropriate to say to others face-to-face

1.  Student and Employee Information: Privacy of student information and adherence to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is required. District employees shall not transmit or electronically publish material regarding students, parents/guardians or district employees that is protected by confidentiality laws. Do not use electronic mail for confidential matters or privileged communications such as student records unless appropriate encryption measures are taken to ensure confidentiality and maintain the appropriate privilege. If material is not legally protected but is of a confidential or sensitive nature, great care shall be taken to ensure that only those with a to know are allowed access to the material. Staff members shall handle all employee and student records in accordance with policies GBJ (personnel Records and Files), JRA/JRC (student Records/Release of information on students, and GBEE (Staff Use of District Technology)

2.  Privacy:  All digital storage on District servers and computers is district property, and as such, network administrators will review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that technology is used responsibly. Staff members should not expect that files stored on district servers or computers will be private. Electronic  communications systems1 are subject to the Public Records law which means that any e-mail or files sent, received, or stored on the school district's technology systems could become public information (i.e., appear in a newspaper) or be subpoenaed for court purposes.

3.  Security: Staff should be mindful of two key security expectations:

  In light of the potential for privacy, personal, student, or employee information stored in electronic format shall not be taken home on a laptop or transferred to an external device for home or outside use unless district data security procedures are followed, allowing for effective file encryption.

  If you feel you can identify a technology related security problem in SSD, you must notify a system administrator immediately. Please do not demonstrate the problem to other users.

4.  Privilege:  The use of technology is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. The system administrator(s) will deem what is inappropriate use; appeals may be directed to the Director of Technology. The system administrator(s) may restrict access to technology resources at any time, as required.

All employees must indicate their knowledge of and agreement with the above conditions by signing the attached staff contract agreement for use of Summit School District technology resources. Failure to follow these stated terms and conditions may result in disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action. 

Adopted: July 25, 2001

Revised: January 8, 2003

Revised May 22, 2012

I have read and understand Summit School District's TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ACCEPTABLE USE OF Summit School District TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES and agree to abide by all terms and conditions. I further understand that violation of these terms and conditions may result in the loss of the privilege to use these resources and may involve legal action, and/or restitution by the user for costs associated with any damages caused by such violations.

____________________________    __________________________    ______________

Staff Signature                                          Printed Name                                       Date

School ____________________________________________