File:  FEB - Architect/Engineer/Construction Manager

The Board shall employ a registered architect to design the plans of each proposed building, building addition or extensive renovation.

In selecting architects, the following criteria shall be considered:

1.  Experience in school construction

2.  In special situations, such as facilities for the handicapped, evidence of relevant experience

3.  Creative design ability

4.  Technical knowledge to control the design so that the best results are obtained for the least amount of money

5.  Executive and business ability to oversee the proper performance of contracts

6.  Proven ability in all of the major phases of planning and construction:  pre-design planning, schematic design, design development, bidding and construction

7.  Ability and temperament to work cooperatively with others; willingness to consult with staff on educational specifications

8.  Extent and experience of architectural staff in relation to the scope of the planned project

The architect shall be selected by the Board on the basis of the above criteria.  The Board may contact its school attorney prior to entering into a contract with the architect.

Adopted August 22, 1995

LEGAL REFS.:  C.R.S. 12-4-101