File:  JICF - Secret Societies/Gang Activity

NOTE: Colorado school districts are required by law to adopt a policy on this subject, however the specifics of the policy are not set forth in law. This sample contains the content/language that CASB believes best meets the intent of the law. However, the district should consult with its own legal counsel to determine appropriate language that meets local circumstances and needs.

The Board of Education desires to keep district schools and students free from the threats or harmful influence of any groups or gangs which advocate drug use, violence or disruptive behavior.

The principal or designee shall take reasonable steps to deter gang intimidation of students and confrontations between members of different gangs on school grounds, in school vehicles and at school activities or sanctioned events.

The presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook or manner of grooming which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute denotes membership in gangs which advocate drug use, violence or disruptive behavior is prohibited on school grounds, in school vehicles and at school activities or sanctioned events.

(Adoption date)

LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2)(a)(I)(F) (policy required as part of safe schools plan)

CROSS REFS.: IHACA*, Law-Related Education

JICA, Student Dress Code

[Revised June 2017]